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Paediatric Occupational Therapy explained and how we can help

What is OT?: About


Occupational therapy is a client-centred health profession concerned with promoting health and well being through occupation. It aims to enable individuals to participate in activities that they need to, want to and are expected to do in everyday life. 


Our occupations are the everyday activities that people do as individuals, in families and with communities to occupy time, and that bring meaning and a sense of purpose to our daily lives. Occupational therapists understand how important these daily activities are to all of us and are experts in enabling you to live life to the fullest despite challenges, limitations and disability.

Occupational therapy focuses on three areas to support people to participate in every day activities:


  • Person - to improve or maintain their level of physical, sensory, cognitive, emotional and social ability. 

  • Environment - to manipulate or adapt the physical, sensory, social and learning environment. 

  • Occupation - to analyse the task, compare the demands of the task with the individual's abilities, and adapt the task to make it possible for the person to do. 



Paediatric Occupational Therapy helps children with diverse needs develop the skills they require to perform the purposeful activities that make up everyday life. Paediatric Occupational Therapists focus on enabling children to participate in childhood occupations such as self-care, education, play and leisure. 

Areas of occupation for children may include:


  • Self-care: dressing, feeding, toileting, bathing and grooming

  • Education: participation and productivity in school/ home learning e.g., paying attention, following instructions, organising oneself/ belongings, task completion, following school routines, handwriting, tool use

  • Play: participation in play (activities that are intrinsically motivating and freely chosen) e.g., functional play,  explorative play, constructive play, social play 

  • Leisure: identifying interests, skills, opportunities, and leisure activities; participating in leisure activities e.g. recreational activities, sports activities, hobbies and pastimes

  • Social Participation: friendships, family, community and peer group participation

  • Sleep and Rest: sleep preparation and participation; to obtain restorative rest and sleep to support healthy, active engagement in other occupations

What is OT?: Services


What is OT?: Projects

Ciara has extensive experience working with children with a range of diverse physical, sensory, social, emotional and learning needs, and many with diagnoses including (but not limited to):

  • Autism/ Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

  • Dyspraxia/ Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) 

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder / Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD/ADD)

  • General Learning Disability (GLD)

  • Specific Learning Disability (SLD)

  • Global Developmental Delay (GDD)

  • Genetic Conditions e.g. Down Syndrome, Williams Syndrome

  • Cerebral Palsy (CP)

  • Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)


The Kids OT service is currently being provided in the child's natural environment at home, school or in the community. 


Ciara also works with children who do not have a specific diagnosis but may be experiencing functional challenges with everyday tasks (occupations) impacting on their participation in life at home, school or in their community. These children may need OT support and strategies put in place to help them reach their full potential.

Common areas of concern that The Kids OT can help with:

  • Sensory Integration & Processing

  • Self-regulation: to manage own behaviour and emotions

  • Attention and Concentration

  • Gross Motor Skills

  • Fine Motor Skills

  • Motor Coordination

  • Motor Planning

  • Handwriting

  • Visual Motor Integration

  • Visual Perceptual Skills

  • Executive Functioning 

  • Organisational Skills 

  • Self-care Skills

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